Tramy volunteers set up public welfare class for Xuanqiao schoolPublish Time:2020-11-16 04:08

On the morning of October 21, 2020, the Tramy volunteer team and his party came to the special education class of Xuanqiao school to carry out love and support education activities.

This is the second year that the Tramy volunteer team went to the special education class of Xuanqiao school. When the children saw the familiar volunteer brothers and sisters, they warmly surrounded them to say hello. Some children also gave the volunteers a big hug, competing to express their thoughts. The volunteers were very surprised, "after a year, the children still remember us!" Before class, the children happily play on the playground, some play ball games, some take a walk, and others play hide and seek around the volunteers... With the ringing of the class bell, the children orderly enter the classroom and sit on their seats to listen to the class.

In this activity,Tramy volunteer team brought the children a course with the theme of "promoting Chinese food and inheriting soybean culture". Through ppt with pictures and texts, fascinating videos and interesting on-the-spot interaction - making bean curd, these contents bring children a unique tofu culture tour. Through the teaching support activities again and again, face-to-face communication and interaction are realized, so that volunteers have a deeper understanding and understanding of these slow flying angels. At the same time, they play their own power, bring them care and warmth, and let them feel the love of all walks of life.

Youth has a dream, volunteer to travel together,

I hope more and more people will pay attention to these slow flying angels,

Give them a warm way to play their own strength!