Tramy held a national energy conservation publicity weekPublish Time:2022-08-05 02:55

In order to further strengthen the publicity of energy conservation and low carbon, popularize the concept of ecological civilization, and improve the awareness of energy hardship and conservation of all employees of Tramy, during the 32nd national energy conservation publicity week in China from June 13 to 19 this year, the equipment department of the group, together with the Quality Center, the Department of environmental health and safety, and the enterprise technology center, jointly carried out the theme activity of the national energy conservation publicity week of "implementing the double carbon action and jointly building a green Tramy".

During the activity of "implementing the double carbon action and jointly building a green beauty", the Tramy team comprehensively displayed the outstanding achievements and experience of energy and resource conservation and ecological environment protection since the 18th CPC National Congress to the majority of Qingmei employees by playing led promotional videos, placing display boards, and staff on-site explanations, focusing on the general situation of green low-carbon work of Tramy group, the establishment of green factories, the fight against food waste Waste classification and other work content, call on everyone to start from themselves, from small things, and integrate the concept of green and low carbon into daily production and life.

On the afternoon of June 14, the group's special training on energy conservation publicity was held in the group's equipment department. Relevant leaders of the group's equipment department, quality center, environmental health and safety department and enterprise technology center attended the meeting. At the meeting, the group shared the working conditions and experience of water and electricity saving solar terms, the design of energy performance management system, and the strategic priorities of future energy conservation work.

On the afternoon of May 14, the group's special training on

 energy conservation publicity was held in the equipment department

In many years of innovation and entrepreneurship, Tramy has always adhered to sustainable development and fully completed the group's comprehensive energy consumption reduction indicators during the 13th Five Year Plan period. The group has set up energy performance management procedures, clearly stipulated the company's energy management performance parameters and energy benchmark management process under the leadership of the energy management team, established the group's energy consumption evaluation benchmark and periodically evaluated and adjusted. In the future, the company will continue to increase the monitoring of energy efficiency of large energy consuming equipment such as natural gas, steam, refrigeration, oil cookers, air compressors, homogenizers, refiners, etc., strengthen daily operation management, implement process improvement, and further reduce comprehensive energy consumption.

Another news: the group held safety production month publicity and training activities

June is the national safety production month. Meanwhile, Shanghai has fully resumed production. According to the production situation and the actual operation situation, the company has carried out safety, fire and epidemic prevention training for front-line employees throughout the company to strengthen their own safety production protection and avoid accidents.

The picture shows: on June 13, the oil gluten workshop of 

the third factory was conducting safety training

For large workshops and densely populated places, conduct comprehensive training and demonstration of fire-fighting skills before or after the workshop shift, so as to improve employees' ability to respond to emergencies and on-site rescue and emergency disposal; Work with the managers and technicians of the production department and the maintenance department to carry out maintenance and hidden danger investigation of key equipment and oil cookers, and contact the relevant responsible person to track and correct in time, carry out targeted technical transformation in mechanical protection and safety fire prevention measures, and carry out maintenance, inspection and assurance for four times in January to reduce safety risks, ensure safety and improve production capacity; By using the network, the whole staff publicized the TV special film "life is more important than Mount Tai". After watching it, the staff realized that safety is the root, and only safety can guarantee and improve productivity; In order to prevent sudden accidents, the middle and evening shift personnel shall strengthen the inspection of electrical fire prevention and battery charging fire prevention, strictly abide by the regulations, ban and confiscate all kinds of illegal charging equipment, and prevent the accident from happening at the source. Everyone is responsible for safe production, and life is more important than Mount Tai.