Tramy Group passed the certification of "Shanghai Brand"发布时间:2023-01-09 09:09

Non fermented bean products (tofu, dried tofu) of Shanghai Tramy Green Food (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Qingmei Group) have passed the certification of "Shanghai Brand". Tramy Group has set up and released the group standard of "Non fermented Soybean Products" against the standard of "leading in China and advanced in the world", leading the high-quality development of the soybean product industry with high standards.

In the future, Tramy Group will promote the four brands of Shanghai Brand, Shanghai Standard, Made in Shanghai, and Shanghai Quality, and build the competitiveness of the quality safety industry in the whole industrial chain of fresh food with the four driving forces of customer complaint promotion, testing promotion, supplier management promotion, and project promotion.